Thursday 22 September 2011

Inner Destiny

"Our happiness depends on the fulfillment of our deepest longings. 
Our most fumdamental longing is for something which in our essential being we already really are. 
Our happiness, therefore, depends on the extent to which we are able to conform to our inner destiny. 
But such a consummation is only possible insofar as we freely fulfill this intention in our daily life." 
(Karfield Graf von Durckheim)

Friday 22 July 2011

Faith is the dynamo of our life. A life without faith is a flat line of boring insipidity.

Faith is the dynamo of our life.

A life without faith is a flat line of boring insipidity.

Faith is what inspires and gives us a reason. Faith is the foundation of confident living.

We must, first of all, have faith in ourselves. We must actually believe that we are magnificent beings.

Just as we can learn to love so we can learn to believe and we must first learn to believe in ourselves.

The path of self knowledge is the path of believing more deeply in yourself and growing in the sense of your real identity.

A person who does not believe in himself is an empty bag ready to be ripped apart. 

Faith itself is a living energy that uplifts our life. It is a fundamental aspect of the essence of the living and vital force of the universe.

Faith can become a mighty river flowing through our life giving vitality and strength to every thing we do.

Faith is what give our life power and purpose.

If you cannot believe with passion in the wonder of life and the wonder of yourself then be ready for a life that is already  half dead.

Saturday 9 July 2011

I Believe

One of the major theological virtues in Catholic theology is "Faith". Faith is, however, not just something for God. Faith is major in our ordinary everyday life. The the unfolding of our life and what we manifest is directly related to our Faith. 

"Credo" is the Latin for " I believe". What we believe is the foundation of our life. What we bring forth each day is directly related to what we believe. Faith is not some air fairy virtue which we have when maybe we go to church. It is practical.

Are you overweight? What do you believe about your weight. 

Can you say with all your heart and mind, "I believe I can become my true, healthy weight". 

Do you truly believe? 

How can you lose weight permanently and have your body as you want it, if you believe it is impossible for you?

Have a good look at your practical everyday belief system. The reality is that good things can happen in your life only if you truly believe it is possible.

Practice everyday nourishing positive beliefs about yourself.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Sharing Personal Truth

This blog is simply a sharing.  

I live in a personal universe and I create that universe from my intelligence and intention. My intelligence and my intention are at the most fundamental level directed towards creating and generating a universe of harmony. 

Many other people, I know, share this intelligence and intention.  This blog is intended to awaken that intelligence and intention in others as it has awakened within me. 
Those people, who deliberately and consciously generate fear in this world so that they can control others for their own self-willed gratification and exercise of power, are only able to do so through creating illusions.  

All the misery, unhappiness and wretchedness experienced by the people of this earth can be dissolved through the Power of Harmony.  

This is not a pipe dream.  

This is a personal awakening to one’s own heart and mind, as it really is, in one’s own Origin, Now.

So, the words on this blog are my personal words of power, my personal offering to all my friends and companions who, from their own personal origin, have shared with me the intelligence and intention to create a shared universe of harmony and goodwill.  

It is time to awaken.  
It is time to rise up from unconsciousness. 
It is time to bring forth the power of harmony from your hearts and minds.  
It is time to shed illusions and limitations.  
It is time to enjoy the strength, the power, the abundance and the wonder of the universe of harmony.  
It isn’t far away.  
Just at the tip of your nose.  

Open your senses. 
Let go of fear.  
Return home.  
Accept your heritage.  
Recognise where you belong.  
Sing the song of the Sun- Raaaa. Raaaa.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Redemption lies in restoring connectedness with all things

 Our belief in separation is the deepest conditioned belief that we hold. The belief that we live inside a bubble of skin and ego is very hard to release.

A sense of identity based around a separate struggling ego trying to survive in a hostile and precarious universe is ingrained in us from a very early age. 

This is the original sin, this is what we pass from generation to generation, a belief in separation. This is how we as the human race miss the mark. 

We have been sundering ourselves from the oneness of all things generation after generation. This is why we eat by the sweat of our brow, this is why our lives are full of struggle and fear, because in our minds we have separated ourselves from the rest of the universe. 

Our redemption consists in a restoration of our connectedness with the whole universe and our responsibility as a node of consciousness within that universe to play our part in its creative evolution in harmony.

The source of our problems, both as individuals, and as a race are quite simple. 

It is our belief in separation. When enough people in the world believe wholeheartedly in their connectedness with all things then our lives individually and collectively will be transformed.